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Armenian Spaghetti

Folks, let me tell you all a little something about being outside the States for an extended period of time. Comfort food becomes a hot commodity. I swear, I would punch an infant for some hot wings and a cheese enchilada right now. In previous posts, I have raved about falafel, but dear me, I have eaten enough falafel to last a lifetime. So when Natalie mentioned getting falafel for dinner last night, I was less than enthused. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Natalie and fried chickpeas, and if you put the two together, WOW, what a combo! But seriously. NO MORE FALAFEL. Especially when that’s what I have for lunch every day at work. I imagine this is how married people feel about each other after a while. Falafel and I are just going through some spousal conflict right now.

While in most cases of marital duress the solution is a Dr. Phil book and a healthy dose of Ben and Jerry’s, the solution for my broken relationship turned out to be a tawdry affair with spaghetti bolognese. Mmmmmm, that pasta treated me like a real lady. It’s been so long since I felt that way with falafel. Natalie and I were walking through the Armenian quarter when we passed an Armenian tavern that had reasonable prices and a flavorgasmic menu. I couldn’t decide between a juicy steak or pasta, but as I always say, when in doubt, opt for the carbs.

The noodles were HOLLOW. I’ll pause here to allow you to pick up the pieces of your exploded mind. THAT’S RIGHT. You could BREATHE through the noodles. And the meat sauce was so wonderfully tomatoey. AND THERE WERE PEPPERS ALL UP IN THAT PASTA, Y’ALL. And cheese! Mhm. I know what you’re thinking. You are insanely jealous of my pasteriffic flavor extravaganza.

Unless, that is, you’re reading this from the U.S. In that case, you’re probably thinking, “What’s the big deal? I can walk down to the Olive Garden and get some fake Italian food too! This girl is such a simpleton.” Well, American friends, you think you’re all high and mighty, with your easy-access pasta. You just don’t appreciate what you have! Let’s take a moment of silence in appreciation for all the delicious spaghetti goodness that America has to offer. Also, think of the troops who fight every day to defend our pasta.

Thank you.


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