Les Sciences à Paris

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We are pleased to introduce a brand-new and unique opportunity for students in the sciences, engineering and mathematics. Building on near a century of expertise running Smith JYA in Paris, one of the premier study abroad programs in Paris, Smith College now supplements its traditional strengths in French language, literature, arts and culture with its newest year long program, “Les Sciences à Paris”

Science, Engineering and Math majors have requirements that make it hard for students to go abroad in a non-anglophone country. Les Sciences à Paris solves that conundrum by requiring only one year of college level French, and help students accumulate, in a supported way, credit toward their major or toward pre-health requirements.

Highlights of the “Les Sciences à Paris” include:

• A customized course of studies combining coursework in your major with offerings in French language, culture and the arts.

• A scientific advisory board that works with you and your advisor to design your year abroad.

• Small group instruction in French language and grammar, as well as supplemental offerings designed specifically for science students.

• On-site tutoring and support for all coursework undertaken at the French universities.

• Research and internship opportunities (for credit) at leading French laboratories.

• Organized excursions, travel and cultural activities for program participants.

• For application materials please click here.