Pets: “The little furry buggers are just deep, deep wells you throw all your emotions into.” ~Bruce Schimmel

October 19th, 2011

Today, I hosted Pet-A-Pet Day on campus.  Despite the cold, rainy weather, and sidewalk construction, students came out in droves to pet several dogs (and one cat!), and fill their bellies with local apple cider and apple cider donuts.

What is it about pets?   What do we derive from them?  Is it really worth walking across campus on a chilly, rainy October day just to pet some dogs?  (or is it the lure of donuts?) What do we get from pets in terms of Wellness?

Here’s a list I came up with:
Love, affection, attachment, companionship, comfort, tactile stimulation, the feeling of being needed.

Here’s what the students said:

“Pets relieve stress.  Just focus on how cute they are!”

“It helps me not miss my dog at home so much.”

“They make me happy, no matter what’s going on.  You can’t be stressed when you’re happy!”

“They make you smile…and donuts help, too!”

“They’re calming.  Dogs are happy.  They’re not stressed like everyone else in my house!”

“They’re a relaxing reminder of my pet at home.”

“All I need is a dog in my life.  I don’t have one here.”

“Pet-A-Pet Day is the highlight of my semester!!”

3 Responses to “Pets: “The little furry buggers are just deep, deep wells you throw all your emotions into.” ~Bruce Schimmel”

  1. Dan on December 19, 2011 1:20 pm

    What is Pet-A-Pet Day?
    Are you the creator of this even?

  2. jmorris on December 19, 2011 3:49 pm

    Hi Dan,

    Pet-A-Pet Day at Smith College is a day when staff/faculty bring their pets (mostly dogs) to campus for the students to pet and enjoy. It was created as part of our on-going wellness education on campus. It helps students relieve their stress and gives them an outlet to express the feelings they have for missing their own pets at home. I was part of a committee that created this event. Thanks for asking! Jan

  3. Dan on December 20, 2011 2:29 pm

    Wow! It’s a great idea.
    I wish I had that at my college.



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