Bg Quiz

Where is Bulgaria?

a) In Europe, between Greece, Turkey and Jugoslavia, and Romania
b) Somewhere around here
c) Very close to the North Pole

When was the country founded (I got you now!)?

a) 1831
b) 681
d) 743

Enough boring questions! What music do people listen in Bulgaria?

a) rap
b) techno
c) chalga (bg folk)
d) they have not discovered electricity yet

Who is the president of Bulgaria?(wild guess)

a) Todor Jivkov
b) Peter Stoyanov
c) Bush Jr.
d) Georgi Parvanov

What is the political orientation of bulgaria?

a) Communism
b) Democtacy
c) Burocracy

How do you say "No more questions" in Bulgarian?

a) Niama nishto za iadene
b) Nai posle svarshi toia glupav vaprosnik
c) Niama poveche vaprosi
d) Who cares