Smith College Website



The First Latina @ Smith

Salome Machado

By Ashley Zurc '07

Salome Machado, who was part of the Class of 1883, was the first Latina at Smith. Salome came from Cuba and was considered also to be the first student admitted beyond the boundaries of the United States.

More information can be found in the College Archives.


A short video titled, "Las Huellas que dejamos" concerns the Latinas at Smith and the birth of Nosotras. Johanna Gutierrez, a recently graduated student, used historical documentation as well as contemporary interviews with Latina woman about their Smith experiences. Every Latina at Smith should go and view this video.

The video is available in the college archives and its number is: V363.

Watch Video Now

More information regarding Nosotras will be
coming soon!!!




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Updated 19.11.06