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There are ever-increasing resources on teaching qualitative research online.  Some are terrific!  Many repeat and may be in disciplines or content areas not of your interest.  They includes some lists of links to syllabi and some short papers on methods and specific issues.  Of course, the resources here may also be useful to teaching!


Ron Chenail’s Qualitative Report offers an excellent source for links to syllabi by teachers from different disciplines (social work, nursing, psychology, education, etc.).  

Bobbi Kerlins offers nursing and information systems course syllabi.

James Beebe of Gonzaga University also offers links to qualitative research syllabi (several dsiciplines, some from social work).

In print, a great resource is "Teaching Qualitative Research: A Compendium of Model Syllabi"; compiled by Denise Burnette.  This collection offers 12 courses syllabi in a covering a range of research paradigms, including post-positivism, critical theory, constructivism, ethnography, grounded theory, and narrative studies. 1998, 107 pp., $12.00 from CSWE publications.  (Reviewers also included myself, Jane Gilgun and Deborah Padgett.)

Specific Issues

Issues in Experiential Learning are discussed in a paper by educator Adrianna Kezar.

Issues in Teaching Epistemology are discussed by educator Lisa Latucca

A multimedia package for teaching critical qualitative research (from a constructivist perspective) is offered by Brandi Colon and colleagues at Nova University.

Some challenges to teaching qualitative research in Lapland are offered here. (There is much in common among learners internationally, it appears!)

Materials and Data Sets

The Qualitative Data Service offers materials on using data in a qualitative research course. This includes a data set on work and life prior to 1918, using oral histories.


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page created 2/19/02; updated 2/10/04