CSC 101 CompLit, Fall 1996
Merrie Bergmann
Ileana Streinu
Dominique Thiébaut

Homework 3

Due Wednesday, 25 September 1996 by midnight

This homework consists of two parts. The first asks you to reply to email questions on the reading. The second asks you to create one HyperCard stack, which you deposit in the DropBox.

0. Reading:

1. Email. You will all receive email from me by Sunday night, containing some (easy) questions on the reading in Chapters 1 and 9 sent to your cs101axx Sophia account. You are to reply to the email using the "Reply" option (do not reply to all recipients), choosing YES when it asks you if you would like to "include original message in reply?" This option will deposit a copy of my mail to which you are replying, into the body of your new composition. The email convention is that quoted text is preceded by the ">" symbol in the first column, which pine will insert automatically. Now I want you to interleave your answers to my questions inside the quoted text. The convention is that your reply text should not have any special symbol in the first column, whereas the quoted text should. So your replies should look like this:

> Who was the first [etc. - the first question from me]?
Lady Lovelace [or whatever your response is].
> What does [etc. - my second question]?
Beats me [or whatever your response is.]

The point of this exercise is to teach you the conventions of email, so I want you to get this right. None of your response text lines should have ">" as their first character. DO NOT FORGET TO SIGN YOUR MESSAGE.

Optional: While you are sending me email, if you have any complaints about the course, or suggestions for improvement, feel free to attach them at the end of this email.

2. HyperCard. Using HyperCard 2.3 (see Lab 3), make a new stack that contains four cards, one for every course in which you are currently enrolled. (I know many do not have exactly four courses. If you have more than four, choose any four; if you have less than four, make some up to reach four.) Have all four cards share the same background. On that background (please be sure the fields are created on the background!), create six fields, to hold the following information:

2.1 A field called "card number". Place this in the upper-right corner. Choose Style Transparent so that there are no boundaries visible on the foreground cards.

2.2 A field called "name" containing the text "Name: Molly Bloom" (without the quotes, and where "Molly Bloom" is your name). Please make this: Style Rectangle, and some Outline Font. This field should be selected to be Shared Text (why? see below).

2.3 A field "course" containing the text "Course:". Select Shared Text for this field also. For this and the remaining fields, the style and font are up to you.

2.4 A field "course name" next to that for the course number and name (e.g., CSC101 Computer Literacy). This field should not be Shared Text.

2.5 A field "instructor" containing the text "Instructor:". Select Shared Text for this field.

2.6. A field "instructor name" next to that for the instructor's name. For example:

Each of the "Shared Text" fields contains the text that is shared among every card sharing that background (all the cards in this stack). Each of the other fields contains (potentially) different text on each card; what is shared here is the field characteristics.

2.7. Fill in the information in the fields on the four cards. Remember to enter text using the browse tool (the hand) and not the graphics tool (labeled A); see Lab 3 if you have trouble entering the text. Try to arrange everything to look neat.

2.8. Now the last task: add a button to card 1. Go to your first card (make sure you are not on the background). Add a new button, and in the Button Info dialog box:

Your final stack should have four cards, all the fields described above, and one (non-functional) button on the first card. Name your stack H3.Lastname and drag to the Seelye Courseware/Literacy/DropBox by Wednesday September 25, by midnight.

Hints: How to make a new one-card stack: File/New Stack. Adding new cards is done with Edit/New card. You can cut and paste cards, too. Creating fields and changing their properties was explained in the lab. Make sure your fields are on the background. To change fonts, change the textstyle property of the field, not the Font menu. Adding a button is similar to adding a field: from Objects select New Button, then from the Tools menu select the Button tool (middle one in the upper row) to change its properties.

Last updated September 18, 1996.