Lecture #15

CSC101 Computer Literacy

Fall 1996

Tuessday, October 29, 1996

Ileana Streinu
  1. Administrative
  2. Computer humor
  3. Review Old Quiz2
  4. HTML: behind the scenes.
  5. Break: administrative, questions.
  6. If time allows: video: networks, databases.

  1. Some administrative problems: Grades are REALLY late! Designing the new grading system proved to be a more complex enterprise than I anticipated. Why? New computers, new software, poor documentation, and lack of time… Expected time when all hwk grades from hw4 on will be available: end of this week.
  2. Computer humor. Here are some recent cartoons: I only draw with software and I hack for food. Still think you are computer illiterate?
  3. Quiz 2 on Thursday, during lab time. Review: use lecture notes for lecture 10 (Networks), lecture 12 (Creating a home page under W-95 with Internet Assistant), Lecture 14 (Netiquette) and Chapters 15 in Kershner, Chapters 1,2, 7 and 8 from Every Student's guide to the WWW. Old Quiz2, review, questions and answers.
  4. HTML - an introduction to the Hypertext markup Language. Web sites for home page creation:

Pursuing web publishing
Creating Net Sites
Homepage Creation
HTML Quick Reference
Beginner's Guide to HTML
Beginner's Guide to URLs
How do they do it with HTML?
Java: Programming for the Internet
Background Sampler
Smith Tutorial

  1. [Break] Administrative, questions.
  2. Video clip, time permitting.