CSC 101 CompLit, Fall 1996
Merrie Bergmann
Ileana Streinu
Dominique Thiébaut

Lecture 20

Thursday, November 14,1996

The GREAT IDEAS behind everything:


1. From problems to computer solutions:

Problems -> Methods for solving them -> "Recipes" for general use: Algorithms -> Implementation of the algorithm in some Programming Language -> Program -> Translation of the program into a language understood by the machine (Compiling) -> Loading the program in the memory of the computer -> Execution -> Results.

2. Examples of problems: sorting; searching; finding the shortest way to get from one place to another; playing a game; etc.

3. Visualizing computer algorithms: animated algorithms; Java applets on the Web.

4. Very high-level, complex problems. Example: walking through a simulated environment: steps towards Virtual Reality (video clip).



Various methods:

Understanding the methods:

Some sites:

Which algorithm is better?

How to compare them? By looking at which one runs faster or uses less memory. Exemplify with two sorting algorithms, by counting the number of elementary operations (comparisons) needed to sort.

How do problems get solved by computers?

More about this, next week, in Assembly (a low level language, closest to the one that the machine understands).