Lecture #5

Thursday, September 19, 1996

Ileana Streinu

0. Homework 1: problems, feedback, grading.

- explain permissions (read/write/execute privileges) on files/folders/disks from different accounts (personal account vs. class account csc101/seelye or csc101axx/sophia).

- go in pine over submitted hw1 - ask to change finger information! (Hw3 asks you to send email, again!).

- Students' responsabilities: to read cs101a-xx email for announcements about class issues (grades; errata to homework; answers to frequently asked questions about homeworks) and check the class home page (Netscape) for the same issues and updated lab + hwk + lecture notes; to attend class (not all material is in the book; some lab + hwk questions refer to "tricks" shown in class.

- explain code for reading the grading sheets.

- show grading guide 1; explain how Hw1 was graded; how to get the grading guide from the server (SeelyeCourseware/Literacy/Fall 96); how grade is computed (idea), and how to interpret the feedback about errors/omissions/quality of work (positively!!); show Spring 96/Course Grades, show how to scroll horisontally/vertically to see their grade; give a glimpse of Hw1 Excel sheet, explain how to read.

- details: will come in an email sent to everyone by Friday night. READ IT!!

- from next week (hopefully!): Grades will be posted by Wednesday night, one week after the hwk was due; Thursday morning in class, one week after the homework was due, there will be a discussion about the homework (common mistakes; best of the week). Questions

about grades (mistakes; omissions, etc) -> Ileana, after class, or by email. Late homework may not show up the first time the grades were posted.

Students' responsibility: to check that the grades correspond to their work (It is human to err...although we make every effort not to!!); to report mistakes to the instructor within 2 weeks after the grades have been posted. After that time, hwk will be deleted from the dropbox and no complaints will be considered.

For new homework: show how hwk looks in dropbox; ask to follow the naming conventions (e.g. L3.name1.name2, EXACTLY as described in the handout).

1. Paradigms: from HyperCard to Netscape.

- files on disk/cards in a Hypercard stack/web pages: used to store information.

- files/cards/web pages can be linked. (cross-references)

- can go from one card/web page to another one:

- in the same stack (in the same file)

- in another stack (in another file, on the same or on a different machine)

- cards/web pages have a background.

- cards have a foreground (on a web page, the information in the page - text, images, sound, etc. - is like the foreground).

- several cards can share a background (several web pages can have the same background).

- card buttons are meant to be like underlined text in Netscape (links).

- cards have id numbers - web pages have addresses (location)

- (next week) there may be actions associated with buttons/links: a glimpse into HyperTalk programming (HyperCard) [ advanced topic, leading into Programming -> Programming Languages -> Computer SCIENCE (as opposed to just LITERACY) ; won't do!! ]

2. The Louvre CD-ROM: a professional presentation. Discuss paradigms.

3. Hypercard: overview of lab topics.

- Hypercard tour, from HyperCard home.

- Looking at stacks as a user(browsing)

(Paradigm: browsing stacks - browsing/surfing the net)

- File menu: open, quit.

- Go menu: first, next, previous, home, recent

- Moving around using buttons

- Reading text (created in fields or as graphics)

- Looking at pictures.

-Looking at stacks to see how they have been created:

(Corresponding paradigm for netscape: View/Source)

- all cards have background and foreground.

-all cards/buttons/fields have a number (code; identification number; address)

- user level should be 5; the message box; set userlevel to 5; Go menu/Message.

- Objects menu: stack, card, background information.

- Edit menu: background to look at background only.

- To distinguish fields/buttons/graphics: Tools menu:

browse tool

button tool

field tool


- Creating/Modifying(Editing) stacks:

(Corresponding paradigm for netscape: Creating/Modifying web pages)

- File menu: New/Open/Save a copy/Quit (CAREFULL: Hypercard makes permanent changes, unlike Word, Excel)

- Edit menu changes, context dependent:

most of the time: cut/copy/delete/paste cards

also: cut/copy/delete fields/buttons/graphics

- Clipboard

- Objects menu: new field/button/background

- Modifying parameters of fields/buttons/background/card:

- be in the proper mode (field/button); click on object to select; double-click to see associated information.

- setting fonts, icons, style (later: script)

- later: visual effects; animation, voice -> scripts

- Graphics, Scripts: next week.

4.If time allows: Graphic calculator (demo part); animation paradigm.