Category Archives: Uncategorized

To Do

  • Video
  • Check into color identification of site location
  • Add course numbers, descriptions etc.
  • Identify PI access location for applications
  • Add student accomplishments
  • Interview Marjorie Senechal about the history of Biomath in the Valley (read her book “I Died for Beauty…” about Dorothy Wrinch first!)
  • complete list of biomath or mathematical biology phd program (and not bioinformatics). It should include: Arizona SU, Utah math, U of washington, Ohio state, U of British columbia, UCLA biomath, Duke, U. of Michigan (these are the foremost biomath programs or subprograms – often called mathematical biology, sometimes part of the math department (e.g. Utah, from where Nessy comes from))
  • pictures, pictures and more students accomplishments – get pics from the surf etc…
  • having “Student showcase” and “showcase” in the menu is confusing