


Step-by-step Make sure comments are enabled on your site. Go to Settings → Discussion Default article setting  These settings may be overridden for individual articles. Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article – If...


Add a category

ObjectiveAdd a category to your WordPress postWho can do this?Anyone who can edit the post content.Step-by-stepIntroduction Categories provide a helpful way to group related posts together, and to quickly tell readers what a post...


Using the Lightbox Plugin for Galleries

ObjectiveCreate an image gallery from multiple images using the Lightbox Plugin. Who can do this?Anyone who can edit the relevant page or post content. Plugins requiredjQuery Lightbox For Native GalleriesStep-by-step An admin must enable...

Working with Images

ObjectiveEditing images within the Media Library and working with images in posts and pages. Who can do this?Anyone who can edit the relevant page or post content. Step-by-stepWorking with Images from Within the Media...


Recovering an old version

ObjectiveRecover an old version of a post or page, or see the revision history of a post or page. Who can do this?Anyone who can edit the post or page in question Step-by-stepWhile editing...


Change or add a header image

ObjectiveChange or add a header image to a WordPress site.Who can do this?Anyone who can edit the WordPress site (Editor, Editor Plus and Administrators). Step-by-stepA header is an image or logo appearing at the...

Add Images

ObjectiveAdd an image from the web, your computer, or the Media Library to a page or post. Who can do this?Anyone who can post content (Administrator, Editor, Editor Plus and Authors can add and...

Creating Image Galleries

ObjectiveCreate an image gallery from multiple imagesWho can do this?Anyone who can edit the relevant page or post content. Step-by-step Create a new page or post, or edit an existing page or post Place...


Working with Audio

ObjectiveEmbed audio onto a page or post from SoundCloudWho can do this?Anyone who can edit the relevant page or post content (Administrator, Editor, Editor Plus and Authors can add, edit, and publish posts. Contributors...


User Roles

Administrator Administrators have full power over the site and can do practically everything. They have complete control over posts, pages, uploaded files, comments, settings, themes, imports, users – the whole shebang – including activating...