Add video


Embed a video onto a page or post from a video service (such as YouTube or Vimeo).

Who can do this?

Anyone who can edit the relevant page or post content.

External dependencies

Availability of video on external YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting service.


Users may place (embed) videos onto any WordPress page or post.

To embed a video:

1. From within the video service, navigate to the webpage featuring the video you wish to embed.

2. Click the “Share” icon. Next, highlight and copy the URL (this is the URL at which the video can be viewed).

How to embed video from YouTube

How to embed video from vimeo

3. Open the page or post. In the editing area, place your cursor in the spot where you would like your embedded video to appear.

4. In the menu bar, click the video host service icon. Next, paste the URL (from step 2) and click, “Okay.”

Step 3. Complete video embed

Steps for mp4s forthcoming…To embed a video from the Smith College Media Server:

  1. Navigate to the specific video you wish to embed. Next, highlight and copy the entire URL from within the browser address bar.
  2. Open your page or post and in the editing area, place your cursor in the spot where you would like your embedded video to appear.
  3. Add the short code:

Other considerations

A site administrator can change the default video dimensions as well as the available services by going to Settings > Video Quicktags.