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Notable and quotable: Jaya Jaitly ’63

“I take life as it comes: Personally, I have no goals for myself. I am confident, but not aggressive. I don’t believe in shrieking on the roadside. There is godliness within each one of us. I believe in being true to both myself and others. A calm bent of mind and a balanced nature is what I aim at.” ~Jaya Jaitly ’63

Jaya Jaitly. Image courtesy of hindu.com.


Jaya Jaitly is a social and political Indian activist. She is the founder of both Dilli Haat, a combination food plaza and craft bazaar located in the heart of Delhi, and The Dastkari Haat Samiti, a nationwide non-profit association that brings together craftspeople from all parts of India. Jaitly is also a writer and has written five books on handicrafts. She was also involved in politics, having been active with India’s Janata and Samata Parties.

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