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Korean American Students of Smith host annual “mocktail”

On Friday, March 29, the Korean American Students of Smith (KASS) will host its annual spring “Mocktail” event in the Smith College Campus Center Carroll Room.

Every year, the Korean American Students of Smith hosts the “Mocktail”—a formal dinner and networking event for students to enjoy an evening of delicious food and entertainment. The event’s main purpose is to bring together all the Korean and Korean American students of Smith College as well as anyone interested in building strong friendships with the Korean community. The group also hopes to use the event to raise awareness of Korean identity and culture on campus.

This year, KASS has broadened its vision and goals to make the 2013 Spring KASS “Mocktail” an intercollegiate function. The evening will be a semi-formal event open to all Korean and Asian American students in the Five-College area and their guests, as well as anyone who has passion for Korean culture. Throughout the night, Korean dinner and desserts will be served and there will be a series of surprise entertainment performances.

More details about the event can be found on Facebook.

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