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Study abroad photo contest and exhibit premieres this week

Study Abroad Photo Contest

This year’s study abroad photo contest kicked off with a reception on October 21.

Yesterday, a reception was held for the Study Abroad Photo Contest. Many students were at the reception, examining their peers’ photos taken around the world.
Each picture seemed to have a story behind it.

For instance, Ashley Tulbert ’14, took a photo of the Great Wall of China while studying abroad for the semester in Beijing this past year. When asked why she had chosen that particular photo to submit, Ashley explained that she had been to the Great Wall two times prior but never when it was snowing. The picture is of the Mutianyu section of the Wall, which took her three hours to climb.

Another Smithie, Winter Schwaid-Lindner ’14, traveled to Madurai, India. Her picture of the Victoria Memorial in Kolkata is especially nostalgic for her because it was taken right before a torrential downpour. Winter notes that it was a particularly good day with new friends.

The categories for the exhibit were Cultural Encounters, Cultural Scapes, Daily Life, Learning Moments, and Natural Ecology. Several professors, including French Professor Janie Vanpee, made up the judging panel and each explained their particular favorites for each category. Discussions ensued about ethics and etiquette when taking a picture in a foreign country and the true definition of ecology as related to human interaction with the natural world.

Congratulations go to Jessica Sarno ’14 for Best in Show for her picture of a misty boat dock in Varanasi, India.

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