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Hope for Haiti charity dinner to be held February 4

On Saturday, February 4 the Smith African & Caribbean Students Association (SACSA) is hosting a dinner to benefit Hope for Haiti.

The dinner will offer an array of Caribbean food and a Haitian dish, and guests will have the opportunity to mingle with attendees from on and off campus.

The Hope for Haiti Charity Dinner […]

Lectures on Japan and Haiti today

Two internationally-focused lectures will be given on campus today.

First, at 5 p.m. in Hillyer Hall’s Graham Auditorium, Dr. David Howell will give this year’s Frank and Lois Green Schwoerer ’49 Annual Lecture in History.

Howell, a professor of Japanese History in the department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations at Harvard University, will give […]

Pakistani alumna will perform in US next year

Haniya Aslam and Zeb Bangash. Photo by Nida Rehman, courtesy of zebandhaniya.com.

Haniya Aslam ’02 is taking part in an initiative to bring foreign performers to the United States.

The Center Stage initiative is a pilot program that will bring international performing artists to tour the United States in 2012. Artists from Haiti, […]