The Living Dharma Center


The Living Dharma Center in Northampton MA provides a place for the study and practice of Zen Buddhism via weekly group zazen sittings and monthly silent retreats.

LDC was founded in 1972 by Richard Clarke as a residential Zen center in New York State, later relocating to Amherst in the early 1980s and more recently, to Northampton. Richard Clarke studied with Philip Kapleau, the author of The Three Pillars of Zen and founder of the Rochester Zen Center, receiving Zen transmission, a validation of Zen awakening, from Kapleau during the 13 years of his training there. Kapleau was a key individual in the evolution of Zen training in the US that adapted an ancient practice from the Orient to a more Westernized model compatible with our own background and culture. Richard Clarke continued this evolution in the approach to Zen practice.

Richard died in 2013 after passing on teaching responsibilities to his Dharma heir, Paul Gerstein, a longtime student. Norma Salter is also a Dharma heir of Richard Clarke, assisting Paul in teaching at LDC.

Paul has been practicing Zen since 1970, originally at the Rochester Zen Center with Roshi Philip Kapleau and later as a resident student of Sasaki Roshi at the Mount Baldy Zen Center in California, a traditional Rinzai style monastery. In 1983, Paul met Richard Clarke and worked closely with him for the next 30 years. In 2010, Paul received his full Dharma Transmission. Norma Salter, as well, was a long time student of Richard’s and has received Dharma Transmission.

The Living Dharma Center is a community of men and women that meet every Tuesday night at 35 State Street, Northampton from 7:00-9:00 pm for zazen, Zen lectures and private interviews with the teacher. Attendance requires prior authorization by Paul via a brief application/request through the website .

Additional information about LDC, scheduled silent retreats called sesshin (three-day) and zazenkai (one-day), and an extensive list of downloadable Zen talks (teisho) by Paul, Norma and Richard, are accessible at the main website of LDC: .

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