
Key: L: License (3 yr BA); M: Master;  S: Semestre. Numbers: Year and Semester respectively.
Ex: L2S3 means a License course, 2nd year, 3d semester in the cursus (so likely a Fall course)

Discipline: SAP Chemistry Fall Semester Spring Semester
Applied Chemistry
Aqueous ChemistryL2S4
Introduction to Materials and Surface ChemistryL2S4
Inorganic Chemistry
Experimental Inorganic ChemistryL2S4
Organic Chemistry
BioOrganic ChemistryL3S5
Functional Groupings in Organic Chemistry L2S3
Physical Chemistry- Thermodynamics_Introduction to Inorganic and Solid State ChemistryL2S3
Quantum Approaches to Chemical BondsL2S3
Physical Chemistry and Thermodynamics
Electrostatics and MagnetostaticsL2S3
Experimental Physical ChemistryL2S4
Organic Chemistry II- Cyclanes and Polyfunctional CompoundsL2S4
Theoretical Chemistry
Group TheoryL2S4
Introduction to Theoretical ChemistryL2S4