Sesame Crunch / Halva de susam


4 cups raw sesame seeds

2 cups sugar

4 Tbsp honey

1/3 – 1/2 cup water



  1. Toast sesame seeds by placing them in an ungreased cast iron skillet. Stir frequently until they turn golden brown.  Set aside.
  2. Prepare work surface with parchment paper and cut an extra sheet for the top.
  3. In a small saucepan, begin to melt the sugar, and then add the honey, and little by little, the water. Cook over medium-low heat.  Once the mixture turns golden brown, add the sesame seeds and stir to combine.


Pour the seed mixture onto the parchment paper.  Lay the second piece of parchment paper on top, and roll out the mixture until it is flat and 1/2-1 inch thick.  Work quickly as the mixture will immediately begin to harden quickly.  As soon as possible, cut into bite-size pieces. Some people prefer diamond-shaped, some rectangles, or some the squares. You can even give it a rustic look by breaking it up by hand. No matter which way you do it, it is delicious.