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Expressive Writing as Therapy

In Moments of Being (1985), Virginia Woolf comments on the impact of writing To The Lighthouse on her feelings towards her mother, “I suppose that I did for myself what psycho-analysts do their patients. I expressed some very long felt and deeply felt emotion. And in expressing it I explained it and laid it to […]

Experiencing Woolf

My name is Kristen DeLancey, and I am a student working on the Woolf, Creativity and Madness project as part of the STRIDE program at Smith College. This past summer, when I first decided to work with Michele, I did not yet have a full understanding of what my job would be, and what I […]

Right Brain, Left Brain, Whole Brain

The notion that the throne of creativity lies in the right hemisphere of the brain is entrenched in our cultural vernacular. A Google search on “right brain and creativity” yielded over four million hits. Flaherty (2011) challenges this standard.

In the right brain model of creativity the left analytic, rule-based brain is cast as an […]


Welcome to our blog, or as we would rather call it, musings.These deliberations will traverse the territory between creativity and emotional well being via research, theory, clinical case study, history, and philosophy. Rooted in the spirit of scientific inquiry that compels us to explore divergent viewpoints, I hope these reflections rally readers to join the […]