Sex, Morals, the Law…

This article from the Guttmacher Institute on abstinence only sex education is a wonderful example of de-politicizing a public health issue.

But the relationship between laws and morality is complex. The article thoroughly debunks the myth that “telling kids about sex will cause them to have it.” Yet there are those who believe that giving information about sex to young people is inherently wrong, regardless of the outcome, and for them this article will seem to be missing the point.

The three stated goals of sex education in public schools are to: (1) prevent unintended pregnancy; (2) prevent STI transmission; and (3) delay sexual behavior. I think everyone can agree that those are good goals. And the evidence is unambiguous:

“A panel of public health experts, including representatives of the American Public Health Association, the Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine, testified [before Congress] that there is no evidence base to support the current massive federal investment in abstinence-only programs.”

What does this mean, though, for the people who believe it’s just wrong to talk to kids about sex, even if it does prevent pregnancies (and preventing pregnancies prevents abortions) and STIs and even delays sexual behavior?

Sex and morality are closely tied. Who controls sex in a society controls nothing less than the genetic destiny of the species. It’s a big deal. The science is clear. What do we do about the morality part?

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