Madeleine DelVicario, Pencil Roll

Colored Pencils arranged in canvas pockets with bright fabric behind.

Madeleine DelVicario
Jandon Center for Community Engagement

Pencil Roll

Maddie DelVicario is a Smith alum (’94) and currently serves as the Experiential Learning Coordinator in the Jandon Center for Community Engagement. Previously, she worked in the Smith College Office of Alumnae Relations.

Maddie lives in Hatfield with her husband, two teenagers, a happy pup, and two opinionated house rabbits. In addition to having her family home with her and healthy, the things that are bringing her the most joy during this time of social distancing are activities that allow for a creative outlet, in particular, sewing.

Maddie began this small pencil roll project about ten years ago. It then sat and sat in a bin in her attic with bits of fabric and other started-but-never-finished projects.

fabric in a sewing machine

When Covid hit and the Jandon Center started a mask making campaign, Maddie decided she wanted to contribute. She brought all her sewing supplies out: the yards of fabric chosen by her children when they were still small, the sewing machine her husband’s father bought for him when he was in high school, and the shirts saved because they are full of memories even if they didn’t fit anyone in the house any more.

Fabric rolled into a spiral. Canvas on the outside, bright colors on the inside

After sewing masks for family and friends and for the Jandon campaign, Maddie decided it was time to complete the pencil roll project. When a friend saw it and asked her how long it took to complete, she said, “from start day to end day, about ten years. In hours, probably three.”

Maddie is thrilled with the final product! It works well and looks beautiful. It is subtle on the outside and full of color on the inside, it feels good to hold and it will be great fun to use.