
この本が大すきです!!この本の中にかいでるえはとてもきれいでよむ時すごくたのしかったです!I really loved the layout as well, and I feel like with just a bit of cleanup, this could actually be a published picture-book.   私も今本をつくっていって、この本のlayoutをべんきょうしています。ストリはかわいいこども二人がさむい冬のあさに出掛けてぼうけんをするはなしです。It even tells a lesson of not giving up and the joys of a warm, loving home through its heartwarming ending. あまりむずかしくないですからよんでください!


この本はとてもたのしくて、おもしろいです。It is about two cats、京子さんと京子さんのいもうと、マヤちゃん。The siblings love each other very much but Kyoko sometimes gets bored of their house. One day, Kyoko goes on an adventure in the forest. During her adventure, she meets a butterfly, another cat and a dog. By the end, she has enjoyed herself but is happy to be home and has a new appreciation for her home’s safety and peacefulness.

This was a really cute and enjoyable book. The pictures are とてもかわいいです。I wonder if they are pictures of the author’s real cats?!?

I would definitely recommend this book for Japanese 110 students.  It was a fun and quick read which used a lot of different vocabulary and grammar structures which we work on in class.


この 本 は  すごいです。私 が 大すき です。写真 を とりました。とても アリス が ありました。おおさか は きれいまち です。

The book is beautiful. It narrates someone’s journey in Osaka. Book is both a brochure to Osaka, and story book. It is an easy read for those who haven’t had much exposure to the language.The vocabulary is not very hard to understand. I was able to read the book in ten minutes, as I could not put it down. The Kanji is very simple. I did not need to wrack my brains, when I came across a difficult word. The pictures are really beautiful. I would love to visit Osaka one day.


この 本 は かわいくておもしろい です。この 写真 は かわいい です。むずかしくない です。

I would highly recommend this book to students.The book is very colorful, and its illustrations are superb. This book is definitely aimed towards students who know basic Japanese.I enjoyed this book. It also illustrates a personal tale of someone going to Japan.The content is very simple, and its very easy for students to understand the book. Please do read this book.


京子さんはねこです。たくさんねこといぬがいます。日本の本わかわいいとたのしいです。私はほんがだいすきです。Kyoko-san is a house-cat who goes on an adventure to the forest and explores her family.

This book was a really good read for level 0 readers. It was simple and engaging. The vocabulary was mostly from the first couple of lessons, with the pictures helping with vocabulary and kanji I didn’t know. I would highly recommend this book to other first-year Japanese students.


この本はとてもかわいいです。The drawings are すごくきれいで、おもしろいです。It is a very charming book about the winter adventures of two friends, アンナとリース。The two kids play in the snow, meet an adorable dog and eventually arrive at a warm and cozy restaurant with おいし食べもの!

As I previously mentioned, the quality of the art in this book is really amazing. Combined with the charming story, it makes this book a thoroughly delightful read. It also made me nostalgic as it reminded me of many of my childhood winter adventures with my friends, growing up in Minnesota.

I definitely recommend this book, particularly to my fellow first-year Japanese students. I will caution that there is a decent amount of unfamiliar vocabulary in the book so it is not one of the easier level 0/tadoku books.  この本はやさしいくない。However, it is well worth the effort it takes to read it!



This book was average. I understood 90% of it, so I recommend it as a level zero book. The story was funny in parts.  It had some Genki character fanfiction as part of the plot. There were a few vocabulary words that I didn’t know but I was not able to figure them out from the context or the drawings.

This book was fine but if you picked another random student book it would probably be just as good.  It was not challenging so this is good book if you do not want to be too intimidated by new vocab and kanji. It takes 5-10 minutes to read.


ストリはとてもかわいいですね。リンダさんはせが高いですから、せいかつはちょっとふべんです。ドアはちょっとひくいですから、デパートに行きませ。The book is interesting and is all about the height of a giraffe. In the beginning, Rinda is lonely because it does not have friends due to its high height. At last, Rinda is surrounded by lots of friends and the whole zoo is energetic.

I highly recommend this book because it is a little bit difficult, and time-consuming, compared to the other level0 student books. In this book, we can preview some words in Lesson 7 and 8 by guessing the meaning, which is a better way to learn words rather than just memorizing them.

冬 のさんぽ


I was drawn to this book by the gorgeous art. There were some words that I didn’t know but they were definitely understandable through context. The story was cute and simple. I would recommend this book to Japanese 110 students.


この本は綺麗て、面白いです。I was actually attracted by the drawings of the book at first glance and started reading it. This book is about a little boy’s trip to the sea. It reminds me of my childhood because I always went to the sea with my family. I would recommend this book because it is easy to read: basically all the vocabs are learned in class except that some of the hiragana are written in kanji, but it is a good way to learn! The drawings are also beautiful and the style of the book is also interesting.