

Wow, I love books like these! This kind of folk tale is a little bit weird, but really funny. This book is extremely easy to read, so you don’t need a dictionary. If you are really busy, read this book! Out of all the Japanese Graded Readers books, this one is my favorite. This book made me laugh. I highly recommend it!




I didn’t intend to read this whole thing, since it’s sort of a glossary of Japanese onomatopoeia, and very long. But it consists of little comics explaining the onomatopoeia, which I found to be fairly easy to understand – they use a lot of familiar vocab, and almost entirely familiar grammars, and they’re very simple. Plus, the book provides romaji and a translation, so you can check yourself as you go! I would definitely recommend this to 2nd years. (Plus, the pun in the title is just. So enticing.)



This book contains two stories of Jon-san’s misadventures on the bus. They are not particularity interesting but also not to hard to translate, so a good book for a quick read.

スーラ デミア



If you are a novice at reading Japanese, then this is the book for you! The sentences are extremely short, and simple grammar can be identified/ understood (e.g. short form, te-form, 〜よ, quotations, casual “no” in speech, etc…) There is a plethora of images to baby-step the reader through the story and it is engaging till the end with light humor.



この本は、日本人の家族について、とてもたのしいですが、 かんたんですが、いいです。

I recommend this book because it is a quick and easy read. Furigana is provided for both the Kanji and katakana. If there is any confusion with vocabulary, the visuals give enough information so that it will be easy to fill in the blanks. This is a lighthearted little story with a plot line that progresses quickly. Best of all, at the end there is a funny surprise!



Overall, it is a very light-hearted short story about John’s visit to Japan. John and Yuki are both very kind and silly. I would definitely recommend this book to other first-year Japanese students who are interested in an interesting and quick read!





この本わシャロン先生のおすすめです。私わ日本に生まれて、6歳の時両親と妹とと一緒に上海にすんでいしました。日本の学校が勉強しなっかたで、じぶんの日本語わどのぐらいかわからないです。日本語をもとべんきょしたい、じぶんのレベルも知りたい、そのために、このほんをえらべたです。この本は十余ひとつのものがたりがあります。It covers from first-grade to fifth grade elementary school level stories (you can tell from the font size, smaller the harder I guess).
