

A girl takes a ride in a taxi and later turns out to be a ghost. She tricks the taxi driver into dropping her off at her house and then runs inside without paying. the driver waits outside for her to come back and pay him but she never does. He eventually knocks on the door only to find out that the girl had died in a bicycle accident.


This book is accessible to a Japanese 111 student if not a Japanese 110 student. It takes a bit of intuition to piece together some of the story but it was certainly original.



I recommend this book. It talks a lot about the sushi culture. I learned all kinds of sushi and the correct way to eat and make sushi. I learned what 回転寿司 is. 新しい漢字があります。ちょっと難しですが、わかりました。挿絵は本当に助けましたから。



This book was average. I understood 90% of it, so I recommend it as a level zero book. The story was funny in parts.  It had some Genki character fanfiction as part of the plot. There were a few vocabulary words that I didn’t know but I was not able to figure them out from the context or the drawings.

This book was fine but if you picked another random student book it would probably be just as good.  It was not challenging so this is good book if you do not want to be too intimidated by new vocab and kanji. It takes 5-10 minutes to read.


I liked learning about the times when sakura flowers bloom, and what kind of things people do in Japan when they bloom. Although I understood most everything in the book my knowledge of months is limited so it was more challenging to get through those parts of the book. But all in all the book was short and a little boring so I wouldn’t recommend it to a friend but I wouldn’t completely not mention it either. Books like this are good for 1st years who are very good at kanji.




When I read this book, we had already gone through Lesson 8 so i understood everything in this book; This was assuring and very satisfying. I also learned that one response to 「どうぞよろしくおねがいします」is 「こちらこそどうぞよろしく」. The book was a bit long but interesting and it had familiar topics in it, so, all in all, I would recommend it to Japanese students at the end of their 1st year.




I would reccoment this book to any 1st year Japanese student looking for a slight challenge. I understood most of the things in the book  but I got confused with the sentence structures in the book. But I was still able to finish it, the read was pretty enjoyable, and I understood the book in general. Anyone who understands meal vocabulary well should read this book.




I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a less challenging intro into the world of Japanese books. Most of the vocab I understood, but some kanji I didn’t know, but this was ok. The topic of coming home is clear from the illustrations and the contextual clues; This made it an easy read for me.