
I highly recommend this book to Japanese first semester students. It introduces both the sakura culture and Japanese geography. There are a lot of interesting details like お花見 and that Japan is divided into 沖縄,九州,四国,本州,and 北海道. Vocabularies and kanjis in this book are very easy, and the book is a good practice for beginners.




I recommend this book because it was a nice story. It made me want to continue reading and find out what happens.



It was a book about a giraffe who was looking for friends. It took me awhile to get through. The vocab was mostly genki vocab, which was nice. So I didn’t have to look up a bunch of words.


I recommend this book. It was fun to read and not too hard.


This book is very cute, especially because I like animals. The plot is also a little weird. It is like a children’s story: it is best to not think about the realism of the plot too much. The art is very cute.

I recommend people to read this book. It is not hard. It is a very pleasant read. However, it is not realistic, and the book is not really trying to teach anything.



While I personally found this book a little boring I would recommend it to someone that was interested in cooking or Japanese dishes. The book’s visuals made it easy to follow along.
Would recommend to first years.


この本は ラーさんのせいかつについて 書きました。ラーさんは友だちがありませんが、暇じゃないです。毎日音がきを聞きますから。本の中で、たくさんえがあります。とてもかわいいです。ちょっとむずかしいたんごがありますが、ストーリはかんたんです。

The book has lots of Katakana, most of which are the name of songs and singers. So I think it is good path to practice Katakana through reading.  The drawings are really interesting and creative.  Really recommend this book. ロイ-音楽が好きです


この本は大豆について紹介して 面白いと思います。日本人は大豆にたくさん食べ物を作ります。そして、as it is used in many cultural practices, I get to know more about Japanese traditional culture. 本の中で いろいろ食べ物の写真があったから、読むのが難しくないと思います。



This book is really interesting that the girl in the story meets herself! I love this story. I also love the elaborated drawings of the book.

I really recommend this book to JPN 110 and 111 students to read this. There exists some new kanjis but I believe students can understand them according to the context. This book also helps to get familiar with some kanjis.



I really enjoyed reading this book, because the photos are all very beautiful and I love Japanese scenery and food. I also got to learn some cultural features of Japan. Because it’s a level 0 book, the grammar are very easy, but I find it hard to understand all the kanjis, especially the names of the places mentioned. Overall, I recommend it to 日本語一年生 and people who are good at kanji.


この本はおもしろいと思います。エミさんとニナさんゆかたを買 ってお ぼんおどりに行きました。かんじとたん語がかんたんです。I really loved the art style, its simple and cute. There were a couple of words that I could not recognize but its still understandable through context. There were also some unfamiliar kanji but they were accompanied by the hiragana.  Overall, I highly recommend to level 0 readers.