
The Narratives Project is a member of the Academic Resilience Consortium and of PAVE: Project on Purpose and Values in Education. Project curriculum has drawn ideas and inspiration from:


Wesleyan University Integrative Learning Project


The Echoing Green Foundation’s  “Work on Purpose” Curriculum

This curriculum was developed by Lara Galinksy and Linda Kay Klein when they worked at the Echoing Green Foundation. Echoing Green leads training in the curriculum, which is aimed at developing the next generation of social entrepreneurs.


The Generative Knowledge Institute

The brainchild of Dr. Melissa Peet, this institute leads trainings to teach “tools and methods that help people and organizations discover the vast reservoir of purpose, strength and intelligence they already possess, but exists outside of their conscious awareness.”


The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science

Theater teachers and academics teach scientists (and non-scientists!) to write and speak simply and clearly about their research. The Center leads workshops at its home campus, which is Suny Stony Brook, and elsewhere.



A touchstone resource for anyone who wants to learn and teach storytelling and digital storytelling, StoryCenter leads workshops online and around the world.


Girls Leadership

Teachers and workshop leaders who are interested in learning GLI empowering techniques can register to learn how to lead its thoughtful, well-taught curriculum.