

Hello! And welcome to my website!

I’m Emily Biggs, a recent graduate of Smith College, in Northampton, Massachusetts. I’m a History Major with a self-designed focus called The Classical Impulse: which is coursework consisting of both ancient and modern history, in order to understand and explore moments in which modern peoples use or invoke aspects of ancient history, culture, or philosophy. I am also a Museums Concentrator: a combination of classes and practical experiences, focusing in exhibit planning and visitor experience.


This is my portfolio, created for the Museums Concentration Capstone Seminar. It features my final project, found here, but also includes writing samples and material about my work for the History Major. In the left-hand menu you can find information about my internships at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, and Historic Northampton.


My journey through the concentration has been one of finding myself in the museum. Physicality and embodied learning are important to me in examining interpretive strategies and what constitutes a museum ‘experience.’


“History is the ultimate hybrid discipline, rooted in the real and framed by storytelling.” Sarah Maza, Thinking About History