Welcome to the Conbust 2016 website! We are currently under construction.
Conbust 2016 runs from April 1st to April 3rd!
More info coming soon!
ConBust is a sci-fi/fantasy/anime/gaming convention put on each spring by students at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
This three-day event provides fans of various geekdoms the opportunity to gather and enjoy their interests as a whole.
Panels and workshops, as well as many artists, vendors, and tabletop/LARP games, can be found in great abundance throughout the weekend.
And of course, we have a fabulous array of guests who will be attending and presenting panels.
What sets ConBust apart from most other sci-fi, fantasy, anime, and/or gaming conventions is its focus on the
female members of the participating community. While the various realms of geekdom remain stereotypically male-dominated,
ConBust is held to celebrate the work and participation of women amongst these genres.
Prices for the con can be found under the "Register" tab!
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