Julian Talamantez Brolaski oral history

Here you can engage with Julian Talamantez Brolaski’s oral history with AJ Lewis for the New York Public Library Community Oral History Project.

There is both an audio file of the oral history and a transcription.

It is described as: “Julian Talamantez Brolaski uses language and xirs’ own pronoun paradigm to come closer to words that best express xir identity; at one time utilizing “it” as xir pronoun and appreciating the leveling impact of recognizing a unity with all things. Seeking what would feel closer to “home” both conceptually and geographically, xe sought community in Santa Cruz, San Francisco, New Mexico and New York; pursuing poetry, Indigenous two-spirit communities, and country music along the way.” (Summary by Kirsten Adorian; NY Public Library Community Oral History Project).