"We follow our menu items like we follow our maps moving from place to place transfixed by the representation we see before us, while seeing nothing of the social geographies from which they were derived and on which they act. We ignore the built-in cultural and political bias - the implicit totalitarianism of prescribed menu options – instead we are transfixed by the outcome of our interaction with applications. We forget the program in order to get on with the task."

- Mongrel, UK artist collective, writing on software, circa 2000


The poet is "preeminently the maker of the plot, the framework - not necessarily of everything that takes place within that framework...creates a situation wherein he invites other persons and the world in general to be co-creators with him! He does not wish to be a dictator but a loyal co-initiator within the free society of equals which he hopes his work will bring about."

- Jackson MacLow's post-WWII aesthetic of the 'open work',
cited by Matthew Fuller in essay, "The Impossibility of Interface", 2003


Feedback characterizes "any art that either makes or elicits a response, whether from its own operations, its environment, the system in which it is embedded or to which it is attached, or from the user/viewer."

-Charlie Gere, post to New Media Curating discussion list 9.3.04


"to the extent that meaning is always already a construct,... agency is necessary for the completion of a circuit which may or may not occur. Agency always produces circuitry. ... So it is a question of history and the history of agency. The self-negation of codework occurs within this history and this agency..."

-Alan Sondheim, essay Codework Self-Negated, 2005


"They imagined a social order in which new forms of community might be formed and maintained by the development of an interlocking network of shared intelligence... the Videosphere"

- James Harithas, essay Blueprint for a Creative Reorientation, 1973


"It looked as if a common pattern could be given to account for human behavior and controlled machine behavior in this case..., and that it depended on negative feedback."

- Norbert Weiner, on cybernetics in essay Men, Machines, and the World About, 1954


"The notion that art can be separated from its everyday environment is a cultural fixation, as is the ideal of objectivity in science. It may be that the computer will negate the need for such an illusion by fusing both observer and observed, "inside" and "outside." It has already been observed that the everyday world is rapidly assuming identity with the condition of art."

- Jack Burnham, essay The Aesthetics of Intelligent Systems, 1970


"It is often said that computers are 'extraordinarily fast and extraordinarily accurate, but they also are exceedingly stupid and therefore have to be told everything.' This process of telling the computer everything is called computer programming. The hardware of the human bio-computer is the physical cerebral cortex, its neurons and synapses. The software of our brain is its logic or intelligence, that which animates the physical equipment. That is to say, hardware is technology whereas software is information."

- Gene Youngblood, from book Expanded Cinema, 1970 (p.185)
