Online therapy is a recent phenomena. There are many points of view and many different approaches.
Many social workers are represented.
Consumers and providers should both be very careful in this new arena. There a great many unresolved issues: how to protect privacy online, verification of provider and client, emergency plans, medication backup, licensure (online therapy can be an unregulated form of professional practice across state lines while most professionals are licensed on a state-by-state basis), payment, and maintenance of records are a few issues. More providers of online therapy say it is not therapy, while few suggest it is a modification of standard therapy. Resources The International Society for Mental Health Online
(ISMHO) promotes the understanding, use and development of online communication, information and technology for the international mental health community.
Includes a useful draft ethical statement and many links.
Susan Brown does video-counseling online using live web camera and sound links. She also offers
reasonable contraindication criteria.