Prove It! Guidelines, Measures and Cautions
about Practice Outcome Evaluation
James W. Drisko, PhD,
Smith College School for Social Work
Northampton, Massachusetts
from the Massachusetts NASW Symposium '98
What You Need to "Prove It!
A comprehensive, relevant and useful understanding of what you
wish to change
Measures to operationalize your understanding fully:
valid to what and whom and where you wish to make changes (sensitivity to
issues of race, ethnicity, gender, class, literacy, etc.)
reliable for all the intended population and over time
sensitive enough to capture the intended changes in less than the planned
time frame
allowing for progress, no change and regression
reflecting the different ratings of client, family, significant others, the larger
social world (employers, teachers, support systems) and clinical and
non-clinical staff
ratings by 1) self report, 2) by others in a position to know, 3) direct
observation, 4) indirect naturalistic or documentary sources (arrest records,
abuse reports) -- as is feasible
at as many points in time as necessary to allow an appraisal of the extent
and duration of change (and allowing a sense of the course of change
as a bonus!)
3. A representative sample of the population
you wish to
study --
including those "outliers" who fit the criteria but add complexity
(and make the evaluation
more useful)
4. Ethical access to the sample -- with fully voluntary,
informed consent:
which often alters the sample
which should include information about what's being done for
evaluation purposes which might not be needed if there was not
5. A clear, detailed understanding of the "treatment(s)" or
probably the single most common problem with clinical and
program evaluations!
which ideally grapples with how your treatment includes factors
made more central by other theories (the relationship, reinforcement
contingencies, use of
environmental supports)
6. A study design which allows inference about causation
a true experimental design {ideally a Solomon four group or
factorial design} OR a planned series of single case designs involving
alteration of key criteria to allow inference of causation via replication
7. Ongoing openness to changes in the client, intervention(s),
and context which undermine inferences about causation
threats to the validity of the evaluation as a whole such as alterations
in the treatment over time, reactivity to measures, differences in drop
out rates, changes in environmental supports which enhance or
impede the treatment)
Changes in the funding of social work services increasingly require
research-based evidence for the effectiveness of services (Corcoran & Vandiver, 1996). Some
Massachusetts state agencies now require formal evaluation in contract requirements. While practice evaluation is hardly new-and appears acceptable to many
clients (Campbell, 1988)--both its form and importance require attention to this issue in its contemporary form. Sound evaluation is needed to ensure social workers
are able to met current economic and political challenges, maintain practice and program excellence, strengthen services to both current and new
populations and
understand the assets and liabilities of other's views of sound, ethical evaluation (Jordan & Franklin, 1995; Roth & Fonagy, 1996).
Anastas, J. W. (2000). Research design for social work and the human services.
(2nd ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. (Great
Anastas, J. W., & MacDonald, M. L. (1994). Research design for social work and
the human services. New York, NY: Lexington Books.
Anderson, M. L. (1993). Studying across difference: Race, class, and gender in qualitative research. In J. H. Stanfield & R. M. Dennis (Eds.), Race and
ethnicity in research methods (pp. 39-52). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Bergin, A., & Garfield, S. (1994) (4th ed.) Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change. New York: Wiley. (The best information there is in summary
form -- includes a wide range of treatments but almost not social work studies)
Campbell, J. (1988). Client acceptance of single-system evaluation procedures. Social Work Research and Abstracts, 24(2), 21-22. (Pretty well accepted
by this sample)
Corcoran, K., & Fischer, J. (1994). Measures for clinical practice: A sourcebook
(2nd ed.). New York: The Free Press. [Vol. 1: Couples, families and children; Vol. 2: Adults.] (Includes full versions of many instruments -- but hardly all in common use. Remember copyright laws!)
Corcoran, K., & Vandiver V. (1996). Maneuvering the maze of managed care: Skills for mental health practitioners. New York: Free Press. (A great
overview and dictionary, too)
Hudson, W. W. (1982). The clinical measurement package: A field manual. Homewood, IL: The Dorsey Press. (Not widely used, but developed by a social
Jones, Reginald L. (1996). Handbook of test and measurements for black populations. (2 vol.) Hampton, VA: Cobb & Henry. (The only handbook for this
population I am aware of)
Jordan, C., & Franklin, C. (1995). Clinical assessment for social workers:
Quantitative and qualitative methods. Chicago: Lyceum. (Good balanced view of merits and limits of both forms of research)
Lambert, M. J. (Ed.). (1982). The effects of psychotherapy (Vol. 2). New York:
The Human Sciences Press. (A classic)
Lyerly, S. B. (1978). Handbook of psychiatric rating scales (2d ed.).
Rockvile, MD: National Institute of Mental Health. Washington, DC: U. S. Govt.
Printing Office. DHEW Publication No. (ADM)78-775.
Levitt, J., & Reid, W. (1981). Rapid assessment instruments for practice. Social Work Research and Abstracts, 17(1), 13-19. (dated, but good overview)
NASW Code of Ethics. (1996). Washington, DC: Author.
Nelson, J. (1985). Verifying the independent variable in single-subject research.
Social Work Research and Abstracts, 10, 3-8.
Mullen, E., & Magnabosco, J. (Eds.) (1997). Outcomes measures in the human services. Washington, DC: NASW Press. (Conceptual, not a measures
Roth, A., & Fonagy, P. (1996). What works for whom? A critical review of psychotherapy research. New York: Guilford. (A good summary of the
literature, though, as always, lots omitted)
Sue, S., Zane, N., & Young, K. (1994). Research on psychotherapy with
culturally diverse populations. In A. Bergin & S. Garfield, Handbook of
psychotherapy and behavior change, pp. 783-817. New York: Wiley.
Try getting any of these through your local library by interlibrary loan. A few are references books everywhere, but others may be available to
you locally.
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