Frequency: 4/year. Circulation: 1,000. Focus: Whiteheadian philosophy and theology. Editorial address: Prof. Lewis S. Ford, Department of Philosophy, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508. Double space manuscripts, with notes at end; avoid se xist language. Processing time: 2-3 months. Authors' names not concealed from reviewers; reviewers' names sometimes concealed from authors. Referees' comments usually sent on, particularly in cases of rejection or requested revisions. Acceptance rate: 38%. Average wait till publication: 1 year. Accepted authors should wait: no. Special topic issues: half the time, with varying percent of articles invited, topics announced in advance. Ratio of contributed to invited pieces: 7/13. Book reviews: yes.

Editorial statement: Process philosophy may be defined as applying primarily, though not exclusively, the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and his intellectual associates, most notably Charles Hartshorne. With this as the focus, Process Stu dies seeks to explore process thought more broadly as it appears in related philosophies and theologies and to apply the Whiteheadian conceptuality to other fields, such as aesthetics, mathematics, physics, biology, cosmology, history of religions, so cial science and literary criticism.

Questionnaire summary: Interdisciplinary journal with narrow focus on process studies. Particularly seeks work on new issues and essays critical of process philosophy; no work on currently popular philosophical issues or analytic philosophy. Ed itor judges most incoming manuscripts, rejecting 60 percent and accepting 20 percent; the other 20 percent go out to one external reviewer and editor decides about those using the reader's report and his own reading of the essay. Readers not asked to re turn a manuscript if they cannot read it within a certain time. Papers commonly rejected for inappropriate subject matter or for being purely expository; authors always receive a letter of explanation; major revisions sometimes requested.

Book review editor is Prof. Nancy Frankenborg, Department of Religion, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755.

In the past year, journal published 16 regular articles, averaging 12 pages each, 13 book reviews, each about four pages and 10 other pieces, about two pages each.

Reviewer's comments: In addition to articles pertaining primarily to Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne and other intellectual associates, much journal space is given to what Process Studies terms "Notes," "Critical Studies," "Reviews" and "Announcements." There are numerous critical discussions and reviews of current articles and books on process philosophy. Winter 1985 included a special issue on Whitehead and other philosophers which amoun ted to seven articles on the special topic and two and a half journal pages of announcements pertaining to an upcoming conference on topics addressed in the journal. Summer 1985 included a special issue on liberation theology. Footnotes are not used extensively, although one article (Winter 1985) contained 113 footnotes. (GW)


Frequency: 4/year. Focus: Social and political philosophy with a public affairs/applied philosophy orientation. Editorial address: Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Processing time: 4-6 weeks (projected). Blind reviewing whenever author sets up manuscript for it. Referees' comments sent whenever editor thinks they will be helpful. Average wait till publication: one year. Accepted authors should wait: at least one year. Special topic issues: none. No i nvited pieces. Book reviews: no.

Editorial statement: The Public Affairs Quarterly, a scholarly journal devoted to the philosophical study of public policy issues, will commence publication in January of 1987. The journal welcomes articles in English on current issues in social and political philosophy. However, only self-sufficient essays will be published, not news items, book reviews, critical notices or "discussion notes" (short or long). Occasionally the editor may, however, commission in-depth critical s tudies of book or public documents of particular interest.

The journal is intended to provide a forum for the philosophical scrutiny of concrete public policy issues. It will build upon the contemporary interest in tightly focused philosophical case studies of ethical and justificatory aspects of particular issues in such areas as social and economic justice, public welfare; individual entitlements, rights and duties; inheritance, taxation and distributive justice in general; population policy, abortion, euthanasia; environmental problems, science policy; t he social and political status of women, senior citizens, minorities and other social groups; arms control, war and deterrence; loyalty, duty and patriotism; ethical issues in medicine, business and the professions; criminality, criminal justic and pu nishment; and similar topics. The journal will also make some place for discussions that relate theory to practice by considering socio-political doctrines in the light of actual development in "the real world."

The Public Affairs Quarterly will try to enhance the quality of our understanding of public issues by publishing essays that bring philosophical depth and sophistication to the consideration of matters on the agenda of public debate that would otherwise be left to the tender mercies of political rhetoric and journalistic oversimplifications.

Questionnaire summary: Seeks 4,000- to 8,000-word manuscripts. Journal prefers a variety of topics in each issue.


Frequency: 3/year. Circulation: 2,000. Focus: Continental, political and social philosophy, philosophy of the environment, of medicine and of science, and cultural studies. Editorial address: John Fauvel, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, England. Send three doublespaced copies, not dot-matrix printed, and a one-paragraph summary. Processing time: 4 months. Not blind reviewing. Usually summary of comments sent. Acceptance rate: 25%. Average wait till publication: 3 months . Accepted authors should wait: no. Special topic issues: every couple of years, with perhaps 50% of articles invited, topics announced in advance. Most papers contributed. Book reviews: yes.

Editorial statement: The Radical Philosophy Group grew out of convergence of two currents which had been largely formed by the student movement of the 1960s--on the one hand, discontent, especially among students, with the sterile and complacent p hilosophy taught in British universities and colleges; on the other hand, a revival of interest in the theoretical work of the left and a recognition of the need to confront the ideology enshrined in orthodox academic disciplines. The Radical Philosophy Group has always contended that these two problems can be tackled together--that philosophical inquiry into fundamental issues must lead to the exposure of conservatism masquerading as formal reason.

Academic philosophy in this country has generally accepted and defended the frame of reference of the dominant bourgeois culture. This culture is supported and mirrored by the elite isolation, the internal hierarchies and demarcations, of academic instit utions. The Radical Philosophy Group therefore works for reforms in courses and assessments for the enlargement of students' control over their education, for the breaking down of barriers between philosophy and other disciplines and between academic institutions and the outside world.

The Group has held numerous conferences, and local groups have been formed which have organized meetings and agitated on local issues. Radical Philosophy is the magazine of the Radical Philosophy Group, and has come out three times a year since Ja nuary 1972. It aims to criticize the current state of philosophy in the English-speaking world and to encourage philosophical discussion on the left. It welcomes any contributions which will serve these aims.

Questionnaire summary: Journal somewhat prefers work on original, traditional and neglected issues, history of philosophy and non-analytic philosophy; no analytic philosophy or replies to articles in other journals. Almost all submissions conside red by four to six members of the editorial board, then discussed by entire board at meeting. To pass initial screening, manuscript must not appear completely daft or totally inappropriate to journal. Manuscripts commonly rejected because not well argued, boring, in an unreadable prose style, or show insufficient political awareness. Contributors should write decent, coherent, simple English, as jargon-free as possible. Major revisions not often requested.

Journal uses volunteer book reviewers and would print unrequested reviews that seemed good and for a book journal hadn't yet reviewed and wanted to. Few invited reviews rejected; five to 10 percent sent back for revision.

In the past year, journal published 10 regular articles, about nine pages long each, three replies of about two pages each and about 75 book reviews, each ¼ page long.

Reviewer's comments: Published approximately three times each year (with occasional delays) by the Radical Philosophy Group, Radical Philosophy is widely circulated in Britain. Its aim is the critique of prevalent academic modes of philoso phizing that are dominated by analysis and isolation from other disciplines.

Articles in recent issues, ranging from 3,000 to 7,000 words in length, have addressed a variety of topics related to Marxism, socialist and capitalist economic theory, critical theory and the philosophy of the natural and social sciences. Featured in on e special issue was an extended discussion of "deep ecology," in another a set of articles on alternative medical practices. The 10 members of the sponsoring Group, who teach at several British universities, contribute regularly, but the majority of articles are contributed by others. Most contributors to recent issues have been British, but contributors from the Continent and from North America also appear regularly.

Book reviews, of varying lengths, are regularly included; while books fitting the editorial emphases of the journal predominate, a number of books in other areas of philosophy are also reviewed. An interdisciplinary awareness characterizes both the revi ew section and the articles, and reference is frequently had to current scholarship in the social sciences and in other humanities fields, particularly work reflecting a Marxist or feminist standpoint. Contributors' styles vary rather widely, from densel y reasoned Hegelian argument to political debate.

Radical Philosophy suffers somewhat from indifferent appearance, no doubt dictated by the need to restrain costs. Articles are usually typed, rather than typeset, and in page layout and overall appearance the journal falls somewhere between the fo rmality of a scholarly journal and the informality of a popular magazine without quite achieving either. (DAH)


Frequency: 2/year. Focus: General. Editorial address: Martin Hollis, School of Economic and Social Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, England. Enclose self-addressed envelope and British stamps or International Reply Coupons for ret urn of manuscripts. Processing time: 6 weeks. Authors' names not concealed from reviewers, reviewers' names usually concealed from authors. Referees' comments sent when revisions called for. Acceptance rate: 15%. Average wait till publication: 1 yea r. Accepted authors should wait: 2-3 years. Special topic issues: none. Ratio of contributed to invited pieces: 9/1. Book reviews: yes.

Editorial statement: Ratio takes a resolute stand against skepticism and irrationalism and pursues the perennial goal of rational philosophy. Ratio deals with all branches of pure and applied philosophy, from logic and philosophy of nature to ethics and philosophy of religion. Ratio continues in a new form philosophical aims pursued with uncommon seriousness and courage in the Abhandlungen der Fries'schen Schule. The Abhandlungen were established in 1847 by Ernst Frie drich Apelt and re-established in 1904 by Leonard Nelson. Their publication was interrupted in 1937 as a result of National Socialism. In 1957 Julius Kraft, a pupil of Nelson, revived this work by founding Ratio. Ratio appears in both a G erman and an English edition.

Questionnaire summary: Journal especially welcomes work on original issues and non-analytic philosophy and contributions from Germany; also seeks work on traditional and currently popular issues and replies to articles in Ratio. No analyt ic philosophy or critiques of articles published in other journals. Looks for lucid and lively pieces offering something to both Anglo-Saxon and German readers, preferably less than 7,000 words.

Editor or assistant editor reads incoming manuscripts, rejecting 40 percent, some for being too long or too technical. Most of the rest go to the other editor, and five percent to one outside reviewer. Manuscripts most commonly rejected for being " a minor topic in a minor key and awful prose." Major revisions requested perhaps 10 percent of the time. In general, editor prefers to "take it or leave it."

Journal does not use volunteer book reviewers, but might accept unsolicited reviews if the book were suitable and editor had no reason to suspect ulterior motives. No invited reviews rejected; 10 percent sent back for revision.

Reviewer's comments: Ratio emphasizes work on topics of current interest in analytic philosophy. The journal originated in Germany and contains a good deal of material from analytic philosophers on the Continent. The largest number of cont ributors in recent years, however, have been from Great Britain, where the English version of the journal is published. Articles on the philosophy of science have a prominent place in the journal's offerings. Also featured are pieces on epistemology, ethical theory and the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Other topics represented include Quine, Frege, Marx and Habermas, understanding music, possible worlds and the analytic/synthetic distinction.

With just two relatively slim issues per volume, Ratio contains fewer pages per year than the average philosophy journal. Volume 27 (1985) consists of 14 articles and three book reviews totalling 203 pages. Articles are short to moderate in lengt h, averaging about 12 pages per article. Footnotes are included but are generally not extensive. (TT)


Frequency: 4/year. Focus: Philosophy of religion. Editorial address: Prof. S.R. Sutherland, King's College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS. Doublespaced manuscripts with wide margins, 5,000-10,000 words; include International Reply Coupons for manuscript's return.

Editorial statement: Religious Studies is concerned with the main problems that present themselves in various fields of religious study. It provides a means of sustained discussion of the issues that have been sharpened by the course of rec ent philosophy and by the new findings of the historical and comparative study of religions. The psychology and sociology of religion, as they bear on major religious questions, come also within our scope. Space is reserved mainly for articles but there will also be extended book discussions, surveys of recent literature and book notes. It is hoped from time to time to publish replies to articles published in the journal and to provide in these and kindred ways a forum for debate of questions of import ance in the study of religions today. Although authors will sometimes be encouraged to develop their views at some length the highest standards of precision and clarity are to be maintained.

Reviewer's comments: Religious Studies covers a wide variety of issues, including articles on linguistic and epistemological topics, literary figures (Swinburne and Tolstoy) and analytic (Wittgenstein) and process (Hartshorne) philosophers. Each issue carries articles on non-Western religions. The articles tend to be technical, with extensive footnotes, and run between 10 and 20 pages in length. Religious Studies includes articles on both historical and current topics. (AL)


Frequency: 1/year. Circulation: 500. Focus: Phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction. Editorial address: John Sallis, Philosophy Department, Loyola University, 6525 N. Sheridan, Chicago, IL 60626. Processing time: 2-3 months. Authors' names not concealed from reviewers; reviewers' names always concealed from authors. Referees' comments normally not sent. Acceptance rate: 20%. Average wait till publication: 1-1/2 to 2 years. Accepted authors should wait: normally 2 years. Special topic issues: part of each issue, with 50% of articles invited, topics not announced in advance. Ratio of contributed to invited pieces: 3/2. Book reviews: yes.

Editorial statement: The editorial directors of Research in Phenomenology welcome submission of manuscripts which deal with phenomenological philosophy in a broad sense, including original phenomenological research, critical and interpretive studies of major phenomenological thinkers, studies dealing with the relation of phenomenological philosophy to other disciplines and historical studies which have some special importance for phenomenological philosophy.

Questionnaire summary: Seeks work on original and traditional issues and non-analytic philosophy. No analytic philosophy. Journal acknowledges incoming manuscripts and sends relevant articles to referee. If report favorable, article reviewed by another referee and/or the editor. For publication, two favorable reports required, at least one external. Most common reason for rejection is failure to make an original contribution. Major revisions not frequently requested. Rarely are invited book reviews rejected, and 10 percent are sent back for revision. Volunteers considered for book review assignments.

In the past year, journal published 10 regular articles, averaging 20 pages each and five book reviews, around five pages each.

Reviewer's comments: Research in Phenomenology is an annual publication of Humanities Press under the editorship of John Sallis, and appears in the fall. Volumes, about 250 pages long, normally center on a broad topic selected by the edito rs, although other articles may be published as well. Recent topics are "Husserl and Contemporary Thought" (1982) and "The End(s) of Metaphysics" (1983). Each issue contains five or six review articles of five to 10 pages. Articles are expository and critical, focussing upon key ideas of the twentieth-century continental philosophers, including the French structuralists. Articles are written on a high technical level that depends upon the thought of Husserl and others for their voc abulary, and are intended for consumption by professional philosophers well conversant with the themes, problems and representative figures of continental thought. (EK)


Frequency: 1/year. Circulation: 500. Focus: Philosophy of technology, broadly construed. Editorial address: Prof. Frederick Ferre, Philosophy Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Processing time: 3 months. Blind reviewing. Referees' comments normally sent, with specific suggestions for rejected manuscripts. Acceptance rate: 75%. Average wait till publication: 1 year. Accepted authors should wait: no. Special topic issues: most volumes are theme volumes with non-theme articles as well; half of articles invited, topics announced in advance. Ratio of contributed to invited pieces: 1/1. Authors usually see galleys. Book reviews: yes.

Questionnaire summary: Journal prefers work on new, traditional and neglected issues and, to a lesser extent, work on currently popular topics and in history of philosophy; critiques of articles in Research in Philosophy and Technology or o ther journals equally welcome. No preference for analytic or non-analytic philosophy. Acceptable approaches include social-science analyses, science-technology policy, interdisciplinary studies, etc. Especially interested in submissions from new author s. Journal always willing to consider new approaches.

To pass editor's initial screening, manuscripts should be generally well written and directed in some way toward philosophical issues related to technology. Most papers sent out to two external reviewers. Major revisions requested one-fourth of the time. Papers may be rejected for inappropriate manuscript preparation, excessive length or, more commonly, poor writing, poor argumentation or failing to say anything new or important.

Journal uses volunteer book reviewers and would print unrequested reviews if "good and of relevant work." Very few invited reviews rejected or sent back for revision.

Reviewer's comments: The 1985 issue of Research in Philosophy and Technology contained 14 articles (average length, 17 pages) and two reviews (average length, nine pages). Over the last two years topics addressed have included computer and engineering ethics, a feminist perspective on reproductive technologies, the philosophy of Jacques Ellul, technology assessment and democratic procedures, technological utopias and the politics of reindustrialization. The articles, most of which are by a cademic philosophers, do not reflect a particular school or style of philosophy; they do reflect extensive familiarity with the work of many non-philosophers, both technologists and generalists. (DC)


Frequency: 4/year. Circulation: 2,900. Focus: General, with emphasis on metaphysics. Editorial address: The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064. Enclose return postage. Processing time: 2 weeks. Acceptance rate: 5%. Average wait till publication: 3-6 months. Accepted authors should wait: no. Special topic issues: occasionally, with 50% of articles invited, topics not announced in advance. Ratio of contributed to invited pieces: 4/1. Book reviews: yes.

Editorial statement: The Review of Metaphysics is devoted to the promotion of technically competent, definitive contributions to philosophical knowledge. Not associated with any school or group, not the organ of any association or institution, it is interested in persistent, resolute inquiries into root questions, regardless of the writer's affiliation.

Questionnaire summary: Journal seeks work on original, traditional, popular and neglected issues and work by well-known philosophers. Received manuscripts promptly acknowledged; editor then reads all manuscripts and rejects 95 percent, accepts five percent. No external reviewers. Most manuscripts rejected because of space considerations.

All book reviews assigned; volunteers considered for assignments. No invited reviews rejected, 20 percent sent back for revision.

Reviewer's comments: Of the 25 articles the Review published in the four issues from June 1985 through March 1986, three were critical studies of current material. Thirteen others treated of historical figures and seven others were on trad itional problems. The articles were not highly technical, but they used mainly careful analytic methods, addressing a well-prepared professional audience and staying within the range of traditional philosophical subjects. Length of articles ranged between nine and 30 pages. Use of footnotes was variable, and there were no bibliographies.

The Review regularly contains brief reports on books received (written by staff), abstracts of articles from other leading journals and announcements of current activities in the profession. Once a year there is a section listing authors and title s of doctoral dissertations and information on graduate programs. The issues contain few copy errors. They are well bound and attractive, with wide margins and readable print. (JB)

RUSSELL: The Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives

Frequency: 2/year. Circulation: 700. Focus: Bertrand Russell's life, work and influences. Editorial address: Kenneth Blackwell, McMaster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L6, Canada. Send two doublespaced copies. Book reviews: yes.

Reviewer's comments: Russell: The Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives is devoted to the life, works and ideas of Bertrand Russell. Articles and reviews embody a mixture of the analytic and the historic. There is a careful and knowled geable review of articles submitted, with a waiting period of two to three months. The journal also regularly contains announcements about some aspect of the Archives, the Journal or the Russell Project. For example, there may be notes on the direction of some recent Russell research, the organization of the manuscripts, etc.

During the past year, the major portion of the articles were about Russell's ideas--philosophical, mathematical, ethical and political. At least a third were about Russell the person--his characteristics, his friends and lovers. There are articles in analytic philosophy, but always with an historical emphasis. The reviews make up a fair portion of this (approximately) 100-page journal. They divide evenly into two kinds: ones in which Russell plays a significant but not the main role (e.g., a review of a book about the last 100 years of mathematics) and ones in which Russell is the main focus (e.g., a review of a book about Russell's influence on Swedish philosophy. Given the extent of Russell's ideas and activities, the articles and reviews vary wid ely--in length, content and amount of documentation. (TRF)


Frequency: 2/year. Focus: Social and political philosophy. Editorial address: Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Accepted authors should wait: 12 months after acceptance. Special topic issu es: every issue, with 40-100% of articles invited, topics announced in advance if open to unsolicited papers.

Editorial statement: Prior to Volume 6, all papers in Social Philosophy and Policy were solicited. Beginning with Volume 6 (1988/89), we will be accepting unsolicited manuscripts on announced topics. Papers will be initially blind-reviewed by a group of external reviewers.

Topic for Volume 6, Issue 1 is "Capitalism" (submission deadline: June 1, 1987; publication date: Fall 1988), for Volume 6, Issue 2, "Socialism" (submission deadline: January 1, 1988; publication date: Spring 1989). Guidelines ava ilable from editor.


Frequency: 3/year. Circulation: 660. Focus: Social and political philosophy and ethics. Editorial address: Department of Philosophy, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306. Processing time: 3-4 months. Blind reviewing, except for one reviewer who usually asks that his name be revealed. Referees' comments nearly always sent. Acceptance rate: 17%. Average wait till publication: 6 months. Accepted authors should wait: no. Special topic issues: once every 2-3 years, with varying percent of articles invited, topics announced in advance. Ratio of contributed to invited pieces: 16/1. Book reviews: yes.

Editorial statement: Social Theory and Practice is intended to provide a forum for the discussion of important and controversial issues in social, political, legal, economic, educational and moral philosophy, including matters of public pol icy. Critical studies of classical or contemporary social philosophers are welcome. It is our policy to publish original work in social philosophy by authors from all relevant disciplines,including the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences, as well as those engaged in practical social and political action. Both constructive and critical work at all levels and on all social issues in welcome. Editorial responsibility is limited to questions of style and to the assurance of an impartial review by a committee of referees, whose judgments on analytical competence are taken as final and binding.

Questionnaire summary: Journal seeks work on original issues and, to a lesser extent, work on currently popular or neglected issues; no replies to articles in other journals. All incoming manuscripts logged by staff and read by chair of the editorial committee, who rejects half. Fifteen percent go on to a member of the editorial committee (another Florida State Philosophy Department faculty member) and 35 percent to one or two advisory board members. It takes three "yes" votes, from the chair of the editorial committee, at least one editorial committee member and at least one advisory board member, for an article to be accepted. To pass initial screening, papers must be somewhat original and must adequately defend their claims. Abo ut one-fourth of accepted manuscripts are significantly revised.

Volunteers and uninvited reviews are the primary sources for the journal's book reviews. To be accepted, unrequested reviews should be critical reviews, about as long as a typical journal article and raise interesting philosophical points.

In the last year, journal printed 15 regular articles, about 20 pages each, one reply of 10 pages and one book review of 10 pages.

Reviewer's comments: Social Theory and Practice offers an unusual diversity of perspectives within the field of social philosophy, broadly defined. Recent issues have included articles in philosophy of law, political philosophy, ethics, philosophical feminism and other topics. Several articles, though by no means all, address philosophical issues in a way that is informed by current work in other disciplines, including literary criticism and the social sciences. A special issue on Orwell's 1984, for example, included articles relating the work's political and ethical themes to a variety of contemporary problems of scholarship and society.

Published articles vary in length from as few as 4,000 to as many as 16,000 words, most falling into the lower half of that range. Review essays on recent books are regularly included, though there is not usually a section of book reviews. Social The ory and Practice has shown itself open to a variety of non-analytic philosophical approaches, including those of Marxism and feminism, but analytic discussions of problems of politics and society are also regularly included. The editors do not impose a single standard of philosophical style or of scholarly citation, and articles vary considerably in both of these regards. The journal is attractively printed and bound, and it has not yet succumbed to the escalation of subscription prices which has in fected many journals. (DAH)

SOPHIA: A Journal for Discussion in Philosophical Theology

Frequency: 3/year. Circulation: 800. Focus: Philosophy of religion. Editorial address: School of Humanities, Deakin University, Victoria 3217, Australia. Processing time: 3 months. No blind reviewing. No referees' comments. Acceptance rate: 70%. Average wait till publication: 2 years. Accepted authors should wait: about 2 years. Special topic issues: none. No galleys to authors. Book reviews: no.

Questionnaire summary: Prefers relatively short (under 3,000 words) problem-oriented articles on new, traditional and neglected issues, criticism of articles in Sophia and articles by well-known philosophers. No history of philosophy. All manuscripts referred to one reader and also read by editor before final decision made. Most rejected papers are not in philosophy of religion, not philosophically competent or unoriginal; major revisions requested about 10 percent of the time.

Reviewer's comments: (Based on July and October 1985 and April 1986 issues.) Each issue runs about 50 pages and contains about five articles; there are no book reviews. Articles run from about 2,000 to 6,500 words, with most between 3,000 and 4,000. Shorter articles may have fewer than 10 notes and refer to few works (sometimes only one); longer articles may have 20 to 40 notes which range widely. Sophia publishes both philosophy of religion and philosophical theology. Approaches vary a lot--there is theological examination of literature, philosophical comparison of Eastern and Western theology, analytical philosophy of religion and speculative theology. Sample topics include Peter Winch's relativism, the possibility of conflict betw een ethical and religious duty, a defense of Heidegger against Bultmann, a question in natural theology and one in theodicy. Thinkers prominently discussed include Kazantzakis, Hume, James Ross, Charles Hartshorne, Alan Donagan, Richard Swinburne and Aquinas.

Sophia is printed attractively, though it is not bound with the usual stiff cover, and appears to run about one proofreading slip per page. There is no editorial favoritism on behalf of Australia; most authors are from the U.S. or the U.K. (SHV)

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