Simon [Simone di Carlo]  Bartholini [Perusinus] {Paul III-Pius V}

Soprano; Perugia; a choirboy (cantorino) in the cathedral of Perugia in 1525-26 and a member of the cathedral choir in  1535 -36; formerly in the Cappella Giulia (December-March  1536 ); admitted 8 July  1542;  mandati : July  1542 -September   1565  ; sent to the Council of Trent,  1546  and to the sessions in Bologna,  1548  (see Barry).

On August 31,   1565  , Bartholini was excluded from the choir by the commission of cardinals; it was noted that he had served for a long time and had a good voice, but that he was ill and not of good character ("questo è infirmo et fuor di Roma et ha servito molti anni con bone voce"--Document 1.15; "infirmus infamus et pauper"—Document 1.16); because he had been admitted originally to the choir by audition, he was granted a monthly pension of six ducats and remains in the lists among the "second class" singers from October   1565  -October  1571 . He returned to Perugia in  1571 .


DS 2

27r: entry dated 8 July 1542 [CASIMIRI (1932), p.262]

Eodem die admissus est in cantorem Symeon de Perusia. Propter absentiam magistri capelle R. sacrista induit eum cotta de mandato pontificis.

DS 5

10v: entry dated 21 February 1556 [CASIMIRI (1937), p. 79]

Eodem die dominus Simon Bertolinus perusinus solvit ducatos duos auri in auro pro cotta et decem alios similes pro regalibus suis: et habuit gratiam participandi in omnibus triginta diebus non obstantibus constitutionibus et statutis capelle quia non deberet participare de aliquibus regalibus aut proventibus usque ad sex menses. Cantores participantes sunt XI.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: CELANI, p. 100; CASIMIRI ;  FREY, Die Diarien, pp. 133-134; BRUMANA, Biancamaria and CILIBERTI, Galliano,  Musica e Musicisti nella Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo a Perugia (XIV-XVIII Secolo)  (Florence, 1991); SHERR, "Competence and Incompetence."