Antonius [Antoine]  Bruhier 

Noyon; maître de chapelle in the cathedral of Langres,  1504;  in the service of Cardinal Ippolito d'Este,   1508  ; earliest reference, payment of September  1513 ; payment as a member of the  musici segreti , September  1513 -March  1521 ;  beneficial documents : RS 1425, fols. 24v-25r: supplication dated 22 September  1513 , RS 1419, fols. 213r-213v: supplication dated 7 August  1513 , RS 1601, fols. 157r-157v: undated supplication [April-June  1519 ]; see  FREY  (1955): 61-62 for a bull dated 1 November  1517 .

Although, Bruhier is consistently listed among the  musici segreti , he always receives a salary of 8 ducats as opposed to the 5 ducats received by the other cantori segreti (see the motu proprio below and  FREY  (1955): 413-415). This may mean that he was from the beginning also a member of the papal choir, although this is not specified until the bull reported in  FREY . See  SHERR  (1983) and discussion under  Festa  for problems with the date of that document.



RAS, Camerale I 859


Undated motu proprio

mandatum pro Antonio Bruhier

fl 8

Depostiariis generalibus

Motu proprio etc. Monemur omni ratione et cause confirmare prout tenore presentium confirmamus dilecto filio Antonio Bruhier cantori nostro secreto qui in nostris et sedis apostolicis obsequiis impendere non desistat ut se commodius sustentari valeret provisionem octo ducatos auri de camera singulo menses de pecuniis camere apostolice pro depositarios nostrorum generales persolvendos mensibus preteritio constituimus et assignamus prout de novo pro presentis constituimus et assignamus mandantes propterea venerabili fratri nostro R. Episcopo Ostiensis camerario nostro et dilectis filiis thesauarario presidentibus et clericis camere nostre apostlice et aliis ad quos spectat non obstantibus cetere rotulo in quo nomina salariatorum continentur manu nostra subscripto et thesaurario nostro dato prefatus dicyis octo ducatos eidem Antonio singulis mensibus respondeat et solvant ac respondiri et solui faciant scripturasque desuper neccessarias et opportunas expediri faciant et mandantes et in contrareium faciendum non obstantibus quibuscumque.

Placet et ita mandamus J


undated motu proprio

[the motu proprio on 107v is dated 2 April  1514 ]

BIBLIOGRAPHY: François  LESURE , "La Maitrise de Langres au XVIe Siècle,"  Revue de Musicologie  52 (1966): 202-03; Richard  SHERR , "Notes on Some Papal Documents in Paris,"  Studi Musicali  12 (1983): 5-16; Lewis  LOCKWOOD , "Adrian Willaert and Cardinal Ippolito I d'Este: New Light on Willaert's Early Career in Italy  1515 -21,"  Early Music History , 5 (1985): 111.