Genesius  Bultheti {Clement VII-Paul IV} 

Tenor; admitted 3 November  1532    [according to the list in  DS  2, fol. 94v]; mandati:  December  1532 -August  1555 ;  died  in Rome on 5 July  1555  and was buried in the Monastery of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.

From January-November  1550  and from Feburary-November  1551 , Bultheti drops to the bottom of the  mandati  lists (along with  Capello ).This loss in seniority was probably a punishment for some altercation the two had. Bultheti was also among the few singers who were married (he was excused from service on 17 January 1537 because his wife had died).


DS 1

45v: entry dated 17 January 1537 [CASIMIRI (1926), p. 2]

Genesius excusatus propter mortem uxoris.

DS 4

89v: entry dated 5 July 1555 [CASIMIRI (1937), p. 25]

Eodem die Jenesius defuntus est vita et sepultus fuit in ec. monasterio de la Minerva.