Josquinus [Josquin]  Dor {Leo X-Adrian VI}

In the employ of Cardinal Ippolito d'Este, 1516 - 1520 ; earliest reference, payment as a member of the  musici segreti  for the month of September 1520 (the payment is dated 25 October  1520); notarial list of September  1522 .

Dor is the composer of a  Missa de Beata Virgine (the Credo is by Beausseron) preserved in VatS 55, fols. 19v-26r (edited in JOSEPHSON).

EDITION: JOSEPHSON, Nors. Early Sixteenth-Century Sacred Music from the Papal Chapel. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 95, vol. I, pp.272-311.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: FREY  (1955): 432; LOCKWOOD, Lewis. "Adrian Willaert and Cardinal Ippolito I d'Este: New Light on Willaert's Early Career in Italy  1515 -21."  Early Music History , 5 (1985): 107.