Petrus [Pierre]  Jouault [Brule, Bruele] {Leo X-Clement VII}

In the chapel of Philippe le Beau, 1504-1506; in the chapel of the Queen of France, 1509  - 1514 ; earliest reference; motu proprio of August  [1514]; payment dated 10 January  1529;  mandati : July-September  1529 , April-June  1530 ; see  FREY for bulls dated 13 April  1516  and 28 November  1518.

Jouault probably left Rome at the end of the reign of Leo X, but it seems likely that he is the "Petrus Bruele" said to be "noviter receptus" in the mandatum of 10 January  1529  and who was given high seniority (No. 2) in the  mandati  lists of  1529  and  1530 .


RAS, Camerale I, 859

108r: Motu proprio of August [ 1514 ]

Motu proprio etc. Tibi dilecto filio Ferdinando Ponzetto thesaurario nostro generali committimus & mandamus quatenus statim visis presntibus Egidio Carpentier et Petro Jouault alias Brule & cuilibet eorum octo ducatos auri in auro de camera pro presentis mensis augusti salario necnon Bernardo Benedicti ac Vincentio Nuzano et Petro de Vian dilectis filiis cantoribus nostris nuper in capella nostra per nos receptis et ducatos similes duodecim videlicet eorum cuilibet quatuor pro eorum presentis mensis augusti salario et alias continuando aliis singulis mensibus et sequentis temporibus futuris eorum salaria et emolumenta per cantores capellanos percipi solita persolvere seu persolvi facere & mandare debeas realiter et cum effectu in contrarium faciendum non obstantibus quibuscumque.

Placet et ita manu propria mandamus J

Coll. F. d. Attavantis

BIBLIOGRAPHY: VANDER STRAETEN, Edmond.  La Musique aux Pays Bas,  vol. VII (Brussells, 1885), pp. 159-168;  HABERL , p. 73; FREY  (1955): 191-192 ; SHERR, Richard. "The Membership of the Chapels of Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne in the Years Preceding their Deaths."  The Journal of Musicology  6 (1988): 74-75.