Antonius [Antonio]  Vimercato  {Gregory XIII}

Tenor; admitted without examination on 12 June  1572 ; list of  1573 .

Vimercato, like Agostino Martini , managed to join the choir bypassing the normal audition through the influence of Gregory XIII (see Agostino Martini ). But perhaps because he really was a terrible singer and seems not to have been a composer, he did not last long in the choir (he is not in the  DS  list of July  1577 ).


DS 9

135v: entry dated 12 June 1572

Eodem die post missam congregatis cantoribus R.p.d. magister cappelle de expresso mandato S.mi D.N. Gregorii pp xiii admisit in cantorem capelle d. Ant.m Vimercato tenor et induit eum ruchetto sive superpelitio et domini cantores attento mandato S.mi eundem d. Ant.m ad osculum pacis admiserunt non servata forma constitutionum capelle in admissione cantorum in dandis votis secreto et examine.

ASV Miscellanea Arm. XI, vol. 93

152r: undated entry [1573]

Ant.s Vimercatus. Questo fa tenore, et ha una cattiva voce, entrò ancora lui l'anno passato con molti favori, et fu ricevuto da cantori si, et in quantum, senza che fusse passato secundo la forma delle constitutioni.