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Gathering, Creating, Weaving

3.1 A Circle is Cast - Anna Dembska

A Circle is Cast
Again and again and again and
A Circle is cast
Again and again and again and

3.2 Come, Come! - Rumi

Come, come, whoever you are!
Wander, worshiper, lover of leaving,
Ours is no caravan of despair
Come, yet again, come!

3.3 Circle round - Linda Hirschorn

Circle round for freedom
Circle round for peace
For all of those imprisoned
Circle for release

Circle for the planet,
Circle for each soul
For the children of our children:
Keep the circle whole!

3.4 I will weave the earth to the sky - Starhawk

I will weave the earth to sky
I will weave the stars to skin
Let us sing and weave our web
Let us dance we'll weave you in

3.5 Merry meet and merry part

May the circle be open, but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again

3.6 Sacred space

Make sacred space
And be reminded
Of who you are
You are spirit and body
Spirit and body

3.7 Sisters, now our meeting is over

Sisters, now our meeting is over
Sisters, we must part
And if I never see you anymore
I will love you in my heart
Yes, we'll land on the shore (line 3x)
And be safe forevermore

[repeat using "friends" instead of "sisters"]

3.8 Spiraling into the center

Spiraling into the center
The center of ourselves
Spiraling into the center
The center of ourselves

We are the weavers
We are the woven ones
We are the dreamers
We are the dream

We are the weavers
We are the woven ones
We are the dreamers
We are the dream

Note: "ourselves"=> "our souls"

3.9 The greenwood tree
Come, follow follow follow
Follow follow follow me!
Whither shall I follow follow follow,
Whither shall I follow follow thee?
To the Greenwood, to the Greenwood,
To the Greenwood, Greenwood tree!

3.10 We are a circle moving

We are a circle moving
One with another,
We are moving together
We are one
I am spirit, I flow in you
You are spirit, you flow in me
(Copyright 1996 Marae Price)

3.11 We are the flow - Shekinah Mountainwater

We are the flow and we are the ebb
We are the weavers we are the web.

3.12 Weavers

We are weaving the Web of Life

Spirit-weaver, Stone-weaver, Breath-weaver, Bone-weaver,
We are weaving the web of life

3.13 Whatever circle comes from the center

Turn as the earth and moon turn
Circling what they love
Whatever circle comes from the center

| Index | Chp 1: Contentment, Inspiration, Love, Peace | Chp 2: The Elements |
| Chp 3: Gathering, Creating, Weaving | Chp 4: Gods/Goddesses/Dieties | Chp 5: Night & Moon | Chp 6: Sun and Seasons | Chp 7: Misc Chants |

Smith College