
Social Work Professional Organizations 

Here you will find links to the major social work organizations and information about licensing or registration for many states. 

The American Board of Examiners also offers a competitive award for second year social work students.

Key Professional Organizations

The National Office of the National Association of Social Workers has an informative site with links to some State NASW offices. The NASW web site also has information that may be of use to clients as well as general information about social work. Many states also have NASW chapter web sites, which you can reach from the national site. 

The accrediting organization for baccalaureate and masters level social work programs, the Council on Social Work Education lists all accredited programs (Program Directory) and offers information and links about its programs and Annual Program Meeting. 

The Clinical Social Work Federation has a web sites with considerable information related to clinical practice and advocacy for psychotherapy.

The Society for Social Work and Research has a new site with information about the organization, its conference, and application materials.

see further links to specialty organizations at SW Web Links.

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©1997; last update 7/07/02