There is some very useful content regarding qualitative research on the Web, and many (overlapping) links. There are also some multidisciplinary,
international discussion sites which focus on qualitative research issues. Many sites focus on qualitative data analysis using computer software.
report on Qualitative Methods in Health Research. Offers good guidance (but is not formal guidelines) for grant applicants.
It is ethnographic in focus but very useful. Thanks to social
worker Susanne Heurtin-Roberts for leading this effort! Family Health International offers a document that simply depicts qualitative versus quantitative as a dichotomy (which seems simplistic), but their information on ethics is quite strong. Bobbi Kerlin's Qualitative Pages cover
lots of territory with a technology emphasis - but there's much more,
too.. Vincent W. Hevern, SJ, at Lemoyne College offers fine content and links on several areas of qualitative research with a narrative psychology focus. Content and links providing an overview of both philosophy and history are offered. Other sections addresses qualitative research methods including case studies, the process of qualitative interviewing and discourse analysis. An outstanding site.
There is a qualitative research list-serv discussion
group run out of the University of Georgia. The international discussion includes the
usual range of beginners and often some very senior and well known participants. The discussion shifts, but content on credibility/validity, grounded
theory, integration of different methods/triangulation and similar topics are common. Ask your questions!
First, don't write off the major social work journals, they are adding more knowledgeable members to their editorial boards. Qualitative
Social Work: Research and Practice,
with Editors in Chief Roy Ruckdeschel of Saint Louis University,
Missouri, USA and Ian Shaw of Cardiff University School of Social
Sciences. Qualitative Research, with Editors in Chief Paul A Atkinson and Sara Delamont of Cardiff University. Bobbi Kerlin updates a list begun by Judith Priessle which offers a useful list of publishers and publications open to qualitative research. Linda Wark, at Nova Southeastern University, offers a list of journals which are open to qualitative manuscripts. St. Louis University Libraries has a lengthy list of qualitative journals, covering many disciplines. Consider online journals too -- if your institution values them!
Jane Gilgun, Professor at the University of Minnesota SSW, Chairs the
social work interest group at the International Congress of Qualitative
Inquiry held annually in Champaign, IL. The CSWE Qualitative Interest Group has been disbanded. Members of the group which was active for several years, have largely moved to SSWR, and the diversity of content areas among the group made developing "symposium status" unlikely.
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